Old Meeting Minutes

we no longer post meeting minutes on line, but send out copies to members and allies.  
If you would like to be added to our email list, please let us know (see Contact Us)


Association of Women In Automotive April Meeting Minutes

Held:  September 25, 2013,   6:30– 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Those in attendance:
Margaret Ragan,  (AWA President) Vics Automotive; Tonia Haney,(AWA Vice-President) Clark College and Clutch Doctors; Shayla Wilson, Everett Street Autoworks; Betty Kendall, Retired, Technician and Educator; Terica Devoreh-Spratt , Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive; Janet Gallegos Serratos, Vics Automotive ; Scott LaPlant, Owner, Sherwood Automotive; Kathy Garbe, Retired Esquire Motors; Liz Daly, Owner, Hawthorne Auto Clinic.

Review last meeting minutes 
Betty moved to approve minutes as written, Tonia seconded the motion, motion approved. 

Treasures Report  Checking account total:  $1935.08  (no change from last month)

Upcoming events

  • Oktoberfest Fundraiser  (Sarah Heidler and Shayla Wilson Co-Chair)- Sat, October 12, 2013  3-6 pm.  Sherwood Auto Repair  9965 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Highway.  Tualatin OR  97062
  • Katy Grace came with flyers for distribution.
  • Task list was reviewed and all tasks were assigned.
  • It was decided we should track more closely items used as well as a physical head count.

  • Girl Scout Girlfest.  Saturday Nov 2, 2013  10-4 PM
  • Ideas were discussed for what activity our booth should present.
  • Tonia (chair for the event) may need more help, contact her if you can help in any way.
  • Tonia Volunteered to chair event
  • Margaret, Betty, Shayla and Tonia all volunteered to work the event.
 Other Business
  • Logo Designs - logo ideas were presented, and everybody agreed that we like our logo as it is, it just needs updated to be a bit more modern.
  • Non-profit status:  Margaret spoke to a lawyer who is willing to give advise when we are ready to proceed.  The next step in the process is to create a charter.  Sarah will work on that
  • Terica suggested that we host a disc golf tournament.  She will research that as a possible event.

Sarah moved to end meeting, Tonia seconded the motion.  Motion approved.

Next meeting will be held Wednesday, October 30, 2013  6:30-8:00 PM at the Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239


Association of Women In Automotive April Meeting Minutes

Held:  Wed, August 28th2013,  6:30– 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Those in attendance:
Margaret Ragan,  (AWA President); Tonia Haney,(AWA Vice-President) Clark College and Clutch Doctors; Shayla Wilson, Everett Street Autoworks; Betty Kendall, Retired, Technician and Educator; Terica Devoreh-Spratt , Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive; Janet Gallegos Serratos 

Review last meeting minutes

 No meeting minutes available

Treasures Report  Checking account total:  $1935.08 

Upcoming events

  • Oktoberfest Fundraiser  (Sarah Heidler and Shayla Wilson Co-Chair)- Sat, October 12, 2013  3-6 pm.  Sherwood Auto Repair  9965 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Highway.  Tualatin OR  97062
  • Reborn Auto to provide money for sausages - $200
  • Sarah to create flyer and pre-admission tickets.
  • Shayla will see about getting an accordion player to come for part of the time.
  • Katy will provide vegan chili
  • Sarah will provide sauerkraut
  • Tonia will provide deserts
  • Concert starts at 3, event is 2-6
  • Shayla will check into getting buns for free
  • Volunteers so far:  Tonia, Betty, Sarah, Margaret, Shayla, Terica, Janet. 
  • Girl Scout Girlfest.  Saturday Nov 2, 2013  10-4 PM
  • We have been invited to participate for the cost of $30.
  • Tonia moved to approve expenditure, Sarah seconded the motion.  All approved.
  • Tonia Volunteered to chair event
  • Margaret, Betty, Shayla and Tonia all volunteered to work the event.

 Other Business
  • We received a thank you for our participation in the Women's Car Care Council event.  We had six members participate:  Janet, Aurora, JZ, Katy Grace, Nancy Scheewe, Liz Daly.
  • We received a thank you for our gift of $1,000 to the scholarship fund from the PCC Foundation.
Sarah moved to end meeting, Tonia seconded the motion.  Motion approved.

Next meeting will be held  September 25, 2013   6:30– 8:00pm at the Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Association of Women In Automotive  26 JUNE 2013 Meeting Minutes

Held:  Wed,  29 May, 6:30– 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Those in attendance:

Margaret Ragan( AWA President) Cherie Lefebvre-Margaret’s supportive sister, Betty Kendall, Retired, “Mechanic” &  PCC instructor;   Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive Carra Molgard (AWA Secretary) ,  Mackin’s Auto  Body ;  Aurora Tappero, PCC Student; JZ (Grease Monkey) Tyler’s Automotive & Graduated Student of PCC!!!

Review last meeting minutes

• May meeting minutes were reviewed.  CHANGES MADE AND NOTED. JZ is  now at Tyler’s Automotive. Betty requested to be addressed as Mechanic not Technician. Ragan has been spelled correctly. 

Aurora Tappero –email address ajtapra@yahoo.com

• Accepted – Tonia / 2

• Follow up ( After Action Review ) of Events

.Hayden & Wyatt to receive Thank You note from AWA- Margaret offered to follow up on that

OKTOBERFEST – 12 October 2013 Sherwood Auto Repair 9965 SW TualatinSherwood Rd. in Tualatin, OR  503-692-4000

(Sarah and Shayla to co-chair event)

• Sherwood agreed to host event. Margaret received confirmation that Sawtale Ridge agreed to perform.

• In need of silent & Live Auction items. Start asking around and gathering items. Margaret suggested produce baskets as well, as its Harvest time. Should have a central location to store items for cataloging so no hassles on the Big Day. 

• Carra assigned to beer acquisition again this year.

• More assignments as date draws near. Food, tables, supplies,etc.



• Donation Form – Terica provided a donation form for Oktoberfest. She is revising to include Clark Community College. Original included with attachments

• Katy Grace to go over Officer Duties for revision/corrections.


NEW BUSINESS:/ Follow Up  

By-Laws need to include Tax ID number.  This must go to vote in the group to change the By-Laws, as rule is stated in the By-Laws. Sarah will provide official proposal. Sarah has set up Survey Monkey in order to reach more members for an opportunity to have a vote & a voice.   Please take a moment to read and make the necessary change needed to amend the By-Laws

• Still need to file for NON- PROFIT status. Cost $850.00

• PCC GALA: Follow up – Betty attended as AWA and Retired Instructor. reported back the event was not an emotional & beautiful event as key people from the college were exiting. Although she did exclaim the food was not as palatable as in years past.

• LOGO: update logo before getting items like patches, bumper stickers, flyers and others. To be addressed at a later meeting. Margaret looking into updating design for low cost. Will present new ideas for group to proof.  Approved-Betty/ Sarah 2nd


 The end of year pizza party took place at PCC Sylvania 6/13/2013. This is also the day they award scholarships. They awarding the AWA scholarship to 2 female students. This is taking place at 11am in the automotive shop of PCC. Margaret attended. Great News! I was at PCC for the awards and graduation - Anya and JZ each received AWA scholarships!!!! I have pictures!


• Extra fund raiser suggested by Margaret – selling Larry Lights at the Oktoberfest and other functions. Approval to allocate group funds for the items, Carra/ Jen 2checking on availability and wholesale price

• Ask Letter – As suggested by Betty… for those members who are unable to attend meetings or events but still wish to be a vital part of the group can do so monetarily in lieu/included with yearly dues. Margaret offered to draft letter.

TREASURER  REPORT : Treasures report  June, 26, 2013Received =  $35 in dues, $ 54.25 for Plant sales. Sent $1000 to PCC scholarship foundation, plus $15 in check written directly to PCC fromKathy Garbe. Total for our checking account $1935.08

Total for profit from plant sale= $686.35         Approved-Betty/ Sarah 2nd

Motion to Adjourn: Sarah/Jen 2

 NEXT MEETING: Saturday 27 July, 2:00pm – 6:00pm    Margaret Ragan’s house. 

Margaret will create party EVite on line to send to all members to sign up for attendance and Food/beverage items


Association of Women In Automotive April Meeting Minutes

Held:  Wed, April 24th, 6:30– 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Those in attendance:
Tonia Haney,(AWA Vice-President, presiding over meeting) Clark College and Clutch Doctors;  Betty Kendall, Retired, Technician and Educator;  Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive;  JZ,  Metro Car Care and PCC Student;  Phyllis Thiemann, Heckmann and Thiemann Motors;  Janet Gallegos Serratos, PCC Student; Carra Molgard (AWA Secretary) ,  Mackin’s Auto Body ;  June Boone, retired Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Katy Grace,  PDX Automotive;  Liz Dally , Owner, Hawthorne Auto Clinic ;   Norma Holcombe, Tigard SUV and Automotive;  Michelle Lynch, Heckman and Thiemann Motors.

 Review last meeting minutes

     Both February and March meeting minutes were reviewed.  CHANGES MADE AND NOTED. Phyllis Thiemann is the correct spelling, Katy Grace is the correct spelling, Katy Grace also has changed employers PDX AUTOMOTIVE. Norma Holcombe has changed employ TIGARD SUV, Janet Gallegos works for GRANT”S AUTOMOTIVE Vancouver WA.
Upcoming events
PLANT AND RUMMAGE SALE  (Liz Dally Chair)- Sat, May 11, 9am – 3pm at Hawthorne Auto Clinic 4307 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland, OR 97215 
     TIME 9:00AM – 4:00PM confirmed by Liz
     Suggested publications & postings : Liz-Examiner, Sarah-Craigslist & phone apps, all members-work or place of employment, Tonia- College campus
     Tables are a must and there is never enough, so bring them if you’ve got them!
     June – canopy for inclement weather and band
     Garment racks also needed.
     Liz – wants ALL items pre-tagged and priced. And provided plant stakes and price stickers
     Liz will be at Hawthorne Auto Clinic at 0630 and the rest can join at 0700 for set up.

WOMEN IN TRADES FAIR (Tonia chairperson)  Friday May17th (High school Girls day) and Sat. May 18th (Women’s day).  NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center 16021 NE Airport Way Portland, OR 97230.. Hours are 8:30-2:30.

     FRI – Tonia, Margaret, Phyllis, Katy Grace
     SAT – Terica, Sarah, Betty
     Swag still very much needed.
     Tonia – Fluid Display, Parts Identification, Car slogan Matching Game, Scan Tool Demo & use, Air bag Demo, other useful everyday knowledge skills such as checking tire pressure, oil, tranny fluid, halogen bulb handling, wiper replacement
     Safety items needed…safety glasses, earplugs, gloves,

OKTOBERFEST (Sarah and Shayla to co-chair event)
     Sherwood agreed to host event. Margaret still no confirmation with Sawtale Ridge to perform.

PORTLAND PRIDE:  (Katy Grace, Event Chairperson) June 16th
     Items needed for event:  poster for the vehicle, nice vehicle to borrow, preferably a truck, candy to distribute.
     2 people need to attend a safety meeting. Katy agreed to be one person one more needed. Class is 17,24 May or 7 June.
     Line up time for Parade is 0900-1000 start time is 1200. Appropriate attire is AWA Logo or work uniforms supporting companies that support diversity.
     Group voted (majority) to provide the entrance fee of $7 from the group funds. Also will accept private and personal donations.

     Katy Grace to go over Officer Duties for revision/corrections.

     By-Laws need to include Tax ID number.  This must go to vote in the group to change the By-Laws, As rule is stated in the By-Laws. Sarah will provide official proposal.
     Still need to file for NON- PROFIT status. Cost $850.00
     PCC GALA: Group voted to provide Betty Kendell’s ticket price. And she agreed to bail out the group by reimbursing the cost. But did not promise not to gloat about it! Jen will follow up with a possible outside sponsorship for her to attend with Betty.
     LOGO: update logo before getting items like patches, bumper stickers, flyers and others. To be addressed at a later meeting.
TREASURER  REPORT : $320.00 dues collected.  $50.00 donations.  $2093.45 in checking account.
Motion to Adjourn :Sarah, Norma 2nd
NEXT MEETING:Wed, May 29, 6:30pm – 8:00pm    Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Association of Women In Automotive March Meeting Minutes

Held : Wed, March 27, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239
Those in attendance:
Kathy Garbe, Retired, Esquire Motors; Betty Kendall, Retired, Technician and Educator;  Carra Molgard (AWA Secretary) ,  Mackin’s Auto Body ; Katy Grace, PCC Student and PDX Automotive; Liz Dally , Owner, Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Margaret Ragan,  (AWA President), (AWA President), Vic's Auto Center;  Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive; Terica Devoreh-Spratt , Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Norma Holcombe, Tigard SUV and Automotive; Phyllis Theimann, Heckmann and Thiemann Motors;  Tonia Haney,(AWA Vice-President) Clark College and Clutch Doctors; Anya Lewis,  PCC student and Green Drop Garage

 Review last meeting minutes

·         No copies were available for previous meeting.  Both February and March meeting minutes will be reviewed at the April meeting. 

Old Business

·         Officer duties:  A list of job descriptions for board members will be emailed to the core members for review.
·         PR for upcoming events:  NATA has not listed our events in the last news letter, Margaret will contact Parts and People for possible inclusion in that publication.
·         Dues/ Treasurer report.  The sending of official statements has been successful, for the month of March we have received $125 in dues, and paid out $1000 to Clark College for a scholarship, bringing our bank total to $823.73

Upcoming events
·         Women in Trades Fair.  Friday May17th (High school Girls day) and Sat. May 18th (Women’s day).  NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center 16021 NE Airport Way Portland, OR 97230.. Hours are 8:30-2:30.  
o   Tonia (WIT chairperson) passed around a sign up sheet.  She will set up a committee meeting to hash out particular ideas for our presence at the fair.
o   We need updated information about the collages.  Tonia will make sure that we have Clark College information.  Margaret will get PCC, Clackamas and Mt. Hood information.
o   Any gift/prizes are being accepted for distribution at the event.
·         Plant and Rummage Sale - Sat, May 11, 9am – 3pm at Hawthorne Auto Clinic 4307 SE Hawthorne Blvd Portland, OR 97215 
o   Liz Dally (Event Chairperson)- passed around sign up sheet for specifics items for the event.  Pricing guidelines were also distributed.
o   Andrew will cook lunch for everybody.
·         Portland Pride Parade – June 16th - Katy Grace (event chairperson) reported that participation is on a donation basis, group must provide a tax ID number and contact.  The cost is as low as $7, one vehicle must be provided and participants must attend one meeting to be able to participate.
o   A vote was called in the matter – 100% approved AWA participation in Portland Pride, none opposed. 
o   Katy Grace will provide a signup sheet at next meeting for volunteers.

New Business
·         Oktoberfest – Sarah will Chair the event, with Shayla (not present) as co-chair. 
o   October 12 is set as the tentative date, Margaret to confirm with Sherwood Auto for space and Sawtail Ridge for performance
·         2013 NW Careers Expo- convention center. Margaret will investiage possible inclusion in that event.
·         Skills USA Competition.  Margaret and Tonia are both involved.  Our involvement will be discussed at the next meeting.
·         AWA logo items- possible bumper stickers, patches and other marketable items.  An updated PDF will be needed.
·         Pledge Drive- Betty recommended a pledge drive for members.  She will construct a letter and readdress at next meeting.

Margaret motioned to adjourn the meeting, Tonia seconded.  Motion passed.

Next Meeting. 
Wed, April 24th, 6:30– 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Association of Women In Automotive February Meeting Minutes

Held : Wed, February 27, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239
Those in attendance:
Carra Molgard (AWA Secretary) ,  Mackin’s Auto Body ;Katy Grace,   PCC Student and Tigard SUV and Automotive; Liz Dally , Owner, Hawthorne Auto Clinic ; Margaret Ragan,  (AWA President), (AWA President), Vic's Auto Center;  Sarah Heidler (AWA Treasurer) ,  Tom Dwyer Automotive; Terica Devoreh-Spratt , Hawthorne Auto Clinic;  Tonia Haney,(AWA Vice-President) Clark College and Clutch Doctors Anya Lewis,  PCC student and Green Drop Garage; Janet Gallegos Serratos, PCC Student\

 Review last meeting minutes

·         Copies of the meeting minutes were reviewed, Tonia Haney motioned to accept minutes, Sarah Heidler seconded motion.  Motion passed.

Old Business

·         Our application for a smaller and less expensive PO box was approved.  The new po Box is   PO Box 14445  Portland ,OR 97293
·         Margaret will get a tax ID number for the Association this month.
·         Margaret will sign off on our Clark College annual scholarship of $1000 and write a check.
·         NEAT Funds- Margaret is still waiting for a reply from the organization.
·         Terica provided sponsorship certificate for Everett Street Auto.  Sarah will deliver.
Upcoming events
·         Women in Trades Fair 2013  - We are officially registered to participate in the Women in Trades Fair 2013 on Friday May17th (High school Girls day) and Sat. May 18th ( Womens day).  Tonia passed a sign up sheet  for volunteers and will arrange for a meeting for all interested parties to come up with ideas for the information booth and class.  The event is at the NECA-IBEW Electrical Training Center 16021 NE Airport Way Portland, OR 97230
·         Plant sale- May 11th   will be held at Hawthorne Auto Clinic.  Liz provided rummage sale stickers and recommended that items be dropped off pre-priced.  She also provided seeds and trays for starts.  Looking for pup up canopy for, tables, chairs.   Wyatt will run a lemonade stand and there will be a bbq for the staff.  Hanging baskets and herbs for sale.

New Business
·         The board members will meet to make official responsibilities list for each board member.  Margaret will arrange meeting.
Next Meeting. 
Wed, March 27, 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Where:  Macadam Bar and Grill 5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue Portland, OR 97239

Association of Women In Automotive January 2013 Meeting Minutes

Held : Wednesday January  30, 2012      630pm
At:  Macadam Bar and Grill   5833 Southwest Macadam Avenue
Those in attendance:Margaret Ragan,  (AWA President), Vic's Auto Center; Phyllis Theimann, Heckmann and Thiemann Motors; Sarah Heidler (AWA Secretary), Tom Dwyer Automotive; Betty Kendall, Retired PCC instructor; Kathy Garbe, Retired, Esquire Motors;  Tonia Haney, Clark College and Clutch Doctors; Shayla Wilson, Everett Street Autoworks; Katy Grace, PCC student;  Terica Devoreh-Spratt Hawthorne Auto Clinic, Liz Dalyl, Hawthorne Auto Clinic

Old business
         Review last meeting minute:Copies of the previous meeting minutes were not available, review of meeting minutes tabled until next meeting.
         Election of officials:
    Votes for Margaret Ragan office of president=22 for, one write in vote for Norma Holcombe.  Margaret is elected President.
    Votes for Sarah Heidler to hold office of treasurer= 23 votes for, no other votes.  Sarah elected Treasurer.
    Votes for Tonia Haney to hold office of  Vice President= 23 votes for, no other votes.  Tonia elected Vice President. 
    Votes for Carra Molgard to hold office of secretary=  23 votes for, no other votes.  Carra is elected Secretary.
    Vote regarding ratification of the bylaws= 22 for, one against – Bylaws adopted as presented.
         Board Member responsibilities:  Each board member is responsible for creating a description of the position and responsibilities to be presented and discussed next meeting.
         Clark College Scholarship agreement:   Tonia presented a scholarship agreement for Clark Community College.  Discussions took place regarding eligibility requirements for the Scholarship.  
    Margaret proposed that it be an annual scholarship awarded to a student that has at least one term completed, has a recommendation from an instructor, and has either a grade point average of 3.0 or greater or has completed one ASE test.  Kathy seconded the motion.  Five approved, one apposed and three abstained.  Motion passed.
    Motion that Margaret have the authority to proceed with granting money for that scholarship proposed by Katy Grace, Seconded by Phyllis.  All in favor, none opposed, motion passed.
         Post office box.  Sarah procured the post office box PO Box 15349  Portland Oregon 97293.  The box is located at the USPS East Portland Location of 1020 SE 7TH 97214-2387
         Holiday party:  Pictures will be posted on the blog site
         Non-profit status:  Betty submitted a paper regarding 501(c) Status and if it is really needed in our case.  Discussion and research will continue.
    Margaret will get an EIN for AWA.
New business
         Annual plant and rummage sale: Liz volunteered to chair the rummage sale.
    The date is set for May 11th
    This year we need more long tables and clothing racks.
         Donations:  Everett Street donated $250 to AWA.  There is a donation form that Terica might have, she will try to find it and update it and forward it
         Women in Trades: Tonia volunteered to chair that event.  Discussion about if we should continue it as an organization followed.  Tonya motioned we should continue, Sarah seconded the motion, All were in favor, none opposed, motion passed.

Next meeting will be held:  February 27th 2013 at 6:30 pm at the Mcadam Bar and Grill

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