The BOOBIE Prize

For doing their part to be boobs to women in the auto industry by presenting sexist or discriminatory adds, materials or practices....These individuals or organizations have been nominated for the Boobie Prize.

(have a nominee?  send to

1-  Randy's Rack and Pinion.  Even after repeated calls and emails... they refused to remove Esquire Motors from their mailing list.

2-  Aussenmacher tools.  The great thing about this nomination is that you won't find any of the sexy high heeled ladies using tools on their public web site.  They reserve this advertising for industry insiders only.  

3- Houston Solutions.  Beth and 11 of her friends can help you every month of the year with tools, evidently.  The black line is not present on the original copy.  Years ago Snap-On quit producing a girly calendar due to industry pressure that it was unprofessional and created a hostile environment to women.  This Snap-On dealer evidently sees nothing wrong with the calendar  and has ramped it up a notch by featuring bare breasted ladies.  Of course, all of these calendars were passed out covertly.

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