Saturday, February 13, 2010

January Meeting

Meeting Minutes for January 27th 2010

• Welcome Members/Visitors:

Kathy Garbe, Esquire Motors; Betty Kendall, Retired (PCC Automotive Instructor); Sarah Heidler, Esquire Motors; Dawn Slama, Pape/Kenworth; Rebecca Vierck, Re-Born Automotive; Elaine Brockbank, Retired (Ger-Brock); Margaret Ragan, NATA; Terica Devoreh-Spratt, Hawthorne Auto Clinic Inc.

• Fundraising projects

- April 30th and May 1st Women in Trades Fair, Sarah and Dawn are organizing. They will be working on an exciting booth and fun workshop for the students.
We need volunteers! Please contact us to sign up for either day.

- May 8th, Plant and rummage sale to be held at Hawthorne Auto Clinic, please contact us for rummage sale donations drop off etc. We will also be offering to make up planter boxes and a group will go out to businesses to plant. Margaret will advertise in NATA newsletter.

- Sept 11th (tentative) Summer concert – Margaret is working with PCC to coordinate the event. More to report later

- More ideas???? If anyone has an idea for a fundraiser this year, please contact us! We’d love to hear from you!

• Education

- April 17the (tentative) - Girl Scout Merit badge class. A troop has contacted us about participating in a class. Becky will arrange a time. The location will be a local shop. Becky is working on a standardized curriculum. We will also be in the Girl scout catalog for merit badge classes again this year.

- Car Care Class – Sarah will be working on a standardized curriculum for this workshop and is working on ways to promote it by working with other organizations, such as CarHelp.
More info to follow….

- Website report – The meeting minutes will be available and Sarah is working on putting together an online calendar of events. Be sure to check out the myspace page and blog page!!!!

- Mentoring program – Betty has been talking to PCC students and is gathering a list of students that we will invite to the next meeting.

• Treasury Update
- We now have $860.05 in checking, with more dues coming in….

• New Business
- Annual dues are due!! Thank you to all for the continued support! If you have not paid the dues yet, please send the $35 dues to Margaret, fill out the form and mail a check.

- The Holiday dinner at June’s house was a big success. It was great to see everyone (15 + people!). The White Elephant gift exchange was hilarious as usual. Thanks to June for hosting!!!

• Next Meeting is February 24th
– NEW LOCATION: Esquire Motors 1853 SW Jefferson St. 503-226-6269
(Becky will be out of town)

We hope to see everyone at the next meeting to help organize fundraisers, share new ideas and especially to have lots of FUN!!!!!

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