Tuesday, November 1, 2011

OCTOBER 2011 Meeting "minutes"

 Welcome Members/Visitors:
Sarah Heidler,
Esquire Motors; Carra Molgard, LKQ Keystone ; Betty Kindel, retired technician and educator; Norma Holcombe, Sherwood Auto Repair; Margaret Ragan, Tigard SUV and Automotive; June Boone, retired Hawthorne Auto Clinic

* NATA newsletter- 
 Margaret wrote an article for the NATA news letter regarding the Oktoberfest event, and brought copies for suggestions. Minor alterations were made to improve the piece and Margaret will submit to NATA along with a couple of photos for publication.

* Financial Report (Margaret Regan)
There is $857.76 in the checking account.
$619 was made from the Oktoberfest event ticket sales and door prize sales.
$4257 was made from the sale of raffle tickets for the Snap On toolbox.
All monies except for what is in the checking account have been delivered to PCC, but there was $2497 that was still unassigned.  It was decided by consensus that that money should go to the endowment fund.
The restricted fund currently has over $7000.
There have been no scholarships awarded this year.  It is up to the program chair to award and nobody was sure exactly why no scholarships have been awarded.
Margaret and Betty will talk to Russ regarding this issue and report back to the group.
Second annual Oktoberfest AAR (After Action Review)
The sausage was better than last year (came from Edelweiss this year).   There were 40 lbs purchased.
There were too many beans – 2- 32 oz cans are too much.
Too much Kraut left over – two 32 oz cans and one jar is too much.   We should do just jars next year.
We need a go-to person for the event (somebody there to tell everybody what to do)
It would be nice to have a hostess or greater to help people coming in and make everybody feel welcome, even if they don’t know anybody.
We should have a line card or brochure about who we are and what we do.  (more information available about us)
We should make it ½ price for students.
We should reach out to past scholarship recipients.
We need a big ticket item for next year’s event (Carra volunteered to start on that now)
Marketing should be more structured 
* Organizational discussion:  Some of the issues brought up in the post action review led us to talk about needing more structure to our organization.

Margaret and Sarah both agreed that they had not been doing as much as they had in the past due to burn-out.

Sarah also brought up the issue of the organization’s narrowing focus.  So much time on the scholarship fund at PCC, we fail to fulfill the other aspects of our mission statement, and fail to reach other potential members that might not be interested in that narrow focus.  She asked everybody to consider the organization’s mission statement, and how we might, as a group, re-focus to fulfill broader needs. 
The group agreed that we should come up with a formal structure.  This will promote involvement and ease the burden on some of us if everybody knows what they need to do.
AWA should seriously consider forming an official non-profit.
Sarah will do the research and create bylaws with the help of all active members via email (she will not be at the next meeting).  She will also research what needs to happen to become a non-profit.
The next “meeting” will be our Holiday Party Potluck to be held at Margareta’s house on Dec 4th at 2pm. 19605 S Unger Rd  Beavercreek, OR 97004

The Jan 25th, and will be our “restructuring meeting” where we will emerge with a new, formal structure, and maybe non profit status.

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