Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Association of Women in Automotive holds this annual event to raise scholarship funds for automotive students. On October 6 this event was held at Sherwood Auto Repair in Tualatin, Oregon. Entertainment was provided by Sawtale Ridge Band. Ninkasi Brewing provided the beverage. ReBorn Automotive provided the brats & buns.

Great fun was had by all- thanks to everybody for making another great event.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

September 26, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Welcome Members/Visitors:

Margaret Ragan, (AWA President), Vic's Auto Center;  Phyllis Theimann , Heckmann and Thiemann Motors; Sarah Heidler (AWA Secretary) , Tom Dwyer Automotive; JZ, Metro Car Care and PCC Student Norma Holcombe, Sherwood Auto Repair; June Boone, retired Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Cara Margold,(awaVice President)  Mackin’s Auto Body; Kathy Garbe – Retired Esquire Motors, Terica Devoreh-Spratt (AWA Treasurer), Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Liz Dally , Owner Hawthorne Auto Clinic   Betty Kindel, retired Technician and Educator;  Katie Grace, PCC Student and Tigard SUV and Automotive

Preview Previous Meeting Minutes:
No minutes were taken last meeting: Secretary and Co-secretary were not present.

NEAT Donation:
Northwest Education Automotive Training (NEAT) has a sum of money to donate to AWA because they are dissolving   Because AWA is not yet an official non profit, NEAT will directly donate to the AWA scholarship fund at PCC.  Should those funds to into the restricted or endowed portion of the fund?  Discussion followed and it was unanimously agreed that the funds should go into the endowed fund so that the fund can be closer to vested status.  

Picture Board - June
It is done and will be at the Oktoberfest event.

Oktoberfest updated- Carra & Norma
Oktoberfest will be held October 6, 2012 3pm –6pm
AT: Sherwood Auto Repair
9965 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd
Tualatin OR 97062

Discussion of responsibilities followed and it was decided that Sarah is responsible for Kraut, June will bring a veggie platter, beans, potato salad, crock pots and serving utensils.  Phyllis will provide chairs, tables and table cloths.   Norma and Margaret will go get those items.  Phyllis will also provide bottles of water.  Liz will bring some wine, Betty will bring 4 -2Liter bottles of soda.  Kathy will make some sandwich wraps, Norma will bring pretzels.  Margaret will bring a few more tables and cutlery   Cara will pick up the sausages and plates and napkins from reborn Auto.  Polly has both her food and alcohol servers license and will be present for the event, Katy Grace will make a bid form for the silent auction, Carra will get the ice and tub for the keg that has been graciously donated by Ninkasi Brewing.  Carra will also rent a tap.  
* We have some silent auction items but are looking for more.  Members who have procured silent auction items are responsible for their display.
* We will meet at Sherwood Auto to start setting up at 1pm

New Business: 
Phyills volunteered to help further with establishment of AWA as an official non profit organization.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

March 2012 Meeting Minutes


Welcome Members/Visitors:

Margaret Ragan, (AWA President), Tigard SUV and Automotive Norma Holcombe, Sherwood Auto Repair; Terica Devoreh-Spratt (AWA Treasurer), Hawthorne Auto Clinic,;Becky Vierck, Reborn Automotive,  ; Katie Grace, PCC Student and Tigard SUV and Automotive Cara Margold,(awaVice President)  Mackin’s Auto Body ; Sarah Heidler (AWA Secretary) , Tom Dwyer Automotive Kathy Garbe – Retired, ;June Boone, retired Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Liz Dally , owner  Hawthorne Auto Clinic


Discussion of responsibilities of board members
·         It was decided that the president should arrange meetings and create the agenda.
·         Anybody who wishes to have an item officially added to the agenda for a meeting should submit requests to Margaret for addition.
·         The secretary is responsible for official thank you’s.  Carra will send a thank you to WIT for not charging us for participating in the Career Fair this year and to PTOA for their generous support. 

·         We will be participating on Friday May 18th and Saturday May 19th 
·         Becky has the give away items and June has tire gauges for the information booth.

Plant and Rummage sale at Hawthorne Auto Clinic – May12th
·         The sale will be 9-3 Sat May 12th  
·         Flats of plants available for shops at discounted prices.
·         Volunteers are lined up, we will get there at 7 and set up by 9
·         Anybody who has anything to donate can bring it Hawthorne Auto Clinic evening of the 11th (before the shop closes- call Hawthorne Auto to confirm)  or the morning of the 12th.
·         Becky will put together flyers for the event.

Treasure report
·         There is currently $1356.23 in the bank account.  From the October fest we made 619.00 and then we’ve had ptoa and dues.
·         Dues collected from 9 people.
·         Our last money we sent to the scholarship was in July-we will submit money to the endowed fund at PCC.

Nonprofit status
·         Margaret will check further into official non-profit status.


Meeting space
·         We need another meeting space, because it cannot be held at ReBorn Auto every month. 
·         One idea is the Lucky Labb, and the other is the to ask women in trades if they have a meeting space.

Out reach to high schools for car care
·         Several people shared stories of clients who did not very good things to their cars, from simple lack of understanding. 
·         It was proposed that we do need to continue with our goal to provide education, and perhaps High Schools would be a good place to do that.
Several people volunteered to contact their local schools to see if there would be a forum for such involvement. 

Margret now has a gavel

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

February 2012 Meeting Minutes


Welcome Members/Visitors:
Margaret Ragan, (AWA President), Tigard SUV and AutomotiveRebecca Chipres, Clark College Student and Broadway Kia ; Sarah Heidler (AWA Secretary) , Tom Dwyer Automotive Liz Dally , owner  Hawthorne Auto Clinic Terica Devoreh-Spratt (AWA Treasurer), Hawthorne Auto Clinic,  Tonia Haney,  Clark College , I-Car and Les Schwabb Katie Grace, PCC Student and Tigard SUV and Automotive Janet Gallegos SerratosKadels Autobody and   PCC Student ; JZ, Metro Car Care and PCC Student:  Dana WithrowMacs Radiator

PTOA Report 
Terrica represented AWA at the Portland Triumph Owners Association Awards Banquet on February 25, 2012.   The PTOA board elected AWA to be the recipient of their yearly donation to an automotive related organization.  Terrica reported that the people were friendly and enthusiastic and the food was excellent.  The gift is much appreciated and it will go into our general fund for scholarships.  We are thrilled to create this affiliation and will add them to our list for inclusion in future events.  Sarah is charged with making contact and including photos for them to see who we are.

 Treasure Report:
Checking account total is $1,252.23 after adding the PTO donation of $272.60

 WIT Fair:
Tonia Haney of Clark College has graciously accepted the responsibility of heading up our presentation at the 2012 Women in Trades Fair, which is May 17th, 18th and 19th.
May 17th is for middle school girls, and we will not be present

May 18thTonia will do a presentation geared toward high school girls.
May 19th is for women of all ages and we will have a booth for that day.
We took down volunteers for those days, and we need at least one more Volunteer for Friday May 18th to help Tonia.
Other things that need prepaired:  The "who we are" display board needs updated.
We should consider a game/ prizes and gather current information pamphlets for our table.

Plant Sale/Rummage Sale:

The Annual Plant and Rummage sale will be Saturday May 12th, in the parking lot of Hawthorne Auto clinic.
Margaret will create a flyer for the plant sale and purchase some plants as she has done in years past.
Start saving your good, lightly used items for the sale.

 New Items/ Open Discussion:
* College/High school Outreach- should we have more involvement at these levels?  What would/should that involvement look like?
* Dipstick 101- we use to have a basic car care class we gave, but the numbers of people who want to take that class have dwindled over the years to the point where it's not worth us doing.  Many of us feel there is still a need for it, but what should it look like now, how should it be updated and where is our audience, what is the need?
*Ms. Betty Kindle is healing from a broken leg and therefor is not in attendance at the meeting.  She has been nominated for a Golden Alumni Award at PCC.  Congratulations to her, she deserves it. 

Next Meeting:
March 28th, 2012                6:30 pm- Join us!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

January 2012 Meeting Minutes


Welcome Members/Visitors:
Rebecca Chipres, Clark College Student & Broadway Kia;
 Katie Grace, PCC Student Becky Vierck , Re-Born Automotive; Sarah Heidler, Tom Dwyer AutomotiveBetty Kindel, retired technician and educator Margaret Ragan, Tigard SUV and AutomotiveEliane  Brockbank, retired shop owner. and Liz Dally , owner &  Terica Devoreh-Spratt, Hawthorne Auto Clinic.

ATI Changes Sexist Training Materials- 
Sarah read a letter that she wrote in November of 2011 to the Automotive Training Institute in regards to some training materials that were presented at a class she took in the spring of 2010.  She verbally complained at that time that the materials were sexist but was assured that they were in the process of being changed, only to find that in the fall of 2011 (over a year later) the materials had still not been changed.  Although ATI has failed, as of yet, to respond directly to Sarah, they did announce in internal emails that they had officially changed the offending materials to be inclusive of both women and men.  

 By Laws
As a group we went through the bylaws draft, article by article and made corrections as the group deemed necessary.  The By-laws will be re-drafted and resubmitted by Sarah for final consideration in the February meeting.

Officers Elected
It was decided this year, we would elect and vote for officers to serve a short, one year term (the new bylaws, once in place, allow for a two year term) as an intermediate step to our more formal structure.  This was accomplished through informal motions from the small group and a oral count.  It was agreed that the officers for the year shall be:
President: Margaret Regan
Vice President: Carra Molgard (not present, but agreed via text to accept the position)
Treasurer:  Terica Devoreh-Spratt
Secretary: Sarah Heidler
Each person will write a job description to bring to the larger group for next meeting.

 WIT Fair:
Tonia Haney of Clark College has graciously accepted the responsibility of heading up our presentation at the 2012 Women in Trades Fair.
She will need volunteers to help.  If you've never volunteered for this event, it's a great way to get out and meet young women interested in the industry as well as networking with other trades professionals.  
Drop awa an email if you're interested = awapdx@gmail.com

Coming up:
Memberships are due for the 2012 year. 
Sarah will send out bills this year for membership dues.
Next meeting - February 29th, 2012 6:30 pm- Join us!