Thursday, October 4, 2012

September 26, 2012 Meeting Minutes


Welcome Members/Visitors:

Margaret Ragan, (AWA President), Vic's Auto Center;  Phyllis Theimann , Heckmann and Thiemann Motors; Sarah Heidler (AWA Secretary) , Tom Dwyer Automotive; JZ, Metro Car Care and PCC Student Norma Holcombe, Sherwood Auto Repair; June Boone, retired Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Cara Margold,(awaVice President)  Mackin’s Auto Body; Kathy Garbe – Retired Esquire Motors, Terica Devoreh-Spratt (AWA Treasurer), Hawthorne Auto Clinic; Liz Dally , Owner Hawthorne Auto Clinic   Betty Kindel, retired Technician and Educator;  Katie Grace, PCC Student and Tigard SUV and Automotive

Preview Previous Meeting Minutes:
No minutes were taken last meeting: Secretary and Co-secretary were not present.

NEAT Donation:
Northwest Education Automotive Training (NEAT) has a sum of money to donate to AWA because they are dissolving   Because AWA is not yet an official non profit, NEAT will directly donate to the AWA scholarship fund at PCC.  Should those funds to into the restricted or endowed portion of the fund?  Discussion followed and it was unanimously agreed that the funds should go into the endowed fund so that the fund can be closer to vested status.  

Picture Board - June
It is done and will be at the Oktoberfest event.

Oktoberfest updated- Carra & Norma
Oktoberfest will be held October 6, 2012 3pm –6pm
AT: Sherwood Auto Repair
9965 SW Tualatin-Sherwood Rd
Tualatin OR 97062

Discussion of responsibilities followed and it was decided that Sarah is responsible for Kraut, June will bring a veggie platter, beans, potato salad, crock pots and serving utensils.  Phyllis will provide chairs, tables and table cloths.   Norma and Margaret will go get those items.  Phyllis will also provide bottles of water.  Liz will bring some wine, Betty will bring 4 -2Liter bottles of soda.  Kathy will make some sandwich wraps, Norma will bring pretzels.  Margaret will bring a few more tables and cutlery   Cara will pick up the sausages and plates and napkins from reborn Auto.  Polly has both her food and alcohol servers license and will be present for the event, Katy Grace will make a bid form for the silent auction, Carra will get the ice and tub for the keg that has been graciously donated by Ninkasi Brewing.  Carra will also rent a tap.  
* We have some silent auction items but are looking for more.  Members who have procured silent auction items are responsible for their display.
* We will meet at Sherwood Auto to start setting up at 1pm

New Business: 
Phyills volunteered to help further with establishment of AWA as an official non profit organization.

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